Monday, February 9, 2009

The big-girl bed

We finally took Julia's crib down a few weeks ago and she moved into her "big-girl bed." We had been in no rush to make this transition because this kid loved her crib! She never tried once to climb out and she slept like a baby. But it was definitely time. And although the event was exciting for her, I have to admit I was a little bit sad. I don't remember being sad when Sarah moved out of the crib, but I think since Julia is the "baby" it represents such a milestone to take the crib down that's been a focal piece of furniture in our house now for the the last 5+ years.

We had been talking to Julia about how she could move to the big bed sometime soon, and one night as I was rocking her, she told me, "I sleep in big girl bed!" So, I tucked her in the big bed and you would have thought I was throwing her an elaborate party ... she kept saying "Excited! I excited!" Several weeks later she's still enthusiastic about her new sleeping arrangements. She wants all the pillows, blankets and stuffed animals she can find right by her.

(For the first few nights, she woke up with quite a birds' nest in her hair!)

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