Sunday, August 31, 2008

A 90th birthday celebration

This weekend I had the privilege of joining Carlton's family to celebrate his grandmother's 90th birthday in Victoria. What a milestone! Nana, as she's affectionately referred to, looked great as always (hair and make-up fixed and painted fingernails) and was in good spirits. She's an amazing lady, with an amazing family, and I was honored to be a part of her special day. Here are some pictures from the party, as well as one of Julia and her cousin Maggie just goofing around.

Julia bonded with her uncle Ed this weekend. It was pretty evident that she viewed him as the closest thing to her daddy that she'd seen in a while. This picture is from the party, but later in the day while Ed was trying to relax and watch football and nap, he had a 2 year old crawling all over him. Thanks Uncle Ed!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sarah's first day of kindergarten

After all of the thought, preparation, paperwork, questions, prayers, conversations, worries, and shopping, it's all over. Sarah's first day of kindergarten that is. I admired the calm confidence she seemed to have this morning as Julia and I hugged her and said good-bye, leaving her at a table with two other little girls, all dressed in pink of course. After we finally got out of the parking lot,about 15 minutes later, and made it the half-mile or so to our house, I got a phone call from Carlton asking how it went.

I had held it together relatively well, which is an accomplishment for any mom dropping her first child off at kindergarten, but when Carlton told me what an accomplishment today was for me, after 5 years as a stay-at-home mom, the tears came. And then later, when flowers arrived on my front porch with a note saying, "congratulations on the first 5 years" the tears came again. I am so grateful for my amazing, thoughtful husband. He couldn't share this important day with us in person, but we certainly knew he was thinking about us.

When I picked Sarah up today she came through the doors holding another little girls' hand; ironically her name is Julia. It's so refreshing that kindergarteners can make friends with another person so easily. A real-life example of "all I really needed to know I learned in kindergarten." The other noteworthy news from today is that Sarah will be buying her lunch from the cafeteria tomorrow. She is most excited about this, and when I asked her if she'd like to wait until I can have lunch with her to help her figure out the logistics of going through the cafeteria line, she said, "Mom, I can figure it out." As long as I promised to provide the exact amount of money she needs (because she "doesn't know about money yet!"). For all of the firsts that Sarah will experience in kindergarten, I'm experiencing just as many. I have to remember, I've spent 5 years giving her roots, and now she's going to use her wings. Thanks for indulging in my sappy thoughts on this common yet significant day in our lives!

A rainy day princess and butterfly

It has been raining in South Texas for days now, and after a long weekend indoors, the girls were willing to put up with a few sprinkles in order to get some fresh air.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Meet the teacher

Well, I’m officially entering a new chapter in parenthood, called the public school years! I can hardly believe it’s time, but Sarah starts kindergarten on Monday. I realized I truly hadn’t given it that much thought since I was so preoccupied with Carlton’s departure. But now it’s upon us and I felt a strange sort of excitement walking through the halls of her school tonight as we went to meet her teacher. True to Sarah’s personality, we weren’t able to really tell if she was excited about kindergarten and she was expressing several concerns about school and her teacher throughout the day today (like, she didn’t want her teacher to be old!). Naturally, I was concerned that taking her to meet-the-teacher tonight was only going to add to her anxiety, and my inability to change her mind about how wonderful school will be. But, when her new teacher had everyone in the room sing happy b-day to Sarah, well that just saved the day. Thank goodness for Mrs. Garcia’s intuition! When Sarah was getting out of the car at home she said, “Mom, school isn’t so bad after all!” Whew – can you say relief?

Home Sweet Home

Just had to get some pictures up from the last few days. We went to Victoria Tuesday through Friday and enjoyed celebrating Sarah's actual birthday with family, hanging out with cousins and grandparents, going to the pool, getting a pedicure (for mom!) and being showered with love and support from our wonderful families. I must say it's good to be back home though, and the mama-bear in me is anxious to figure out what our new "normal" is going to be while daddy's away.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sarah's 5th birthday party!

About six weeks ago, Carlton and I decided to have Sarah's 5th birthday party on August 16, not knowing for sure if he'd be here to celebrate with her. We figured if he was still here - great, and if not, it would give the girls and I something to look forward to after his departure. Sure enough, he left the Thursday before her party, but our foresight played out (for once!) and Sarah and I distracted ourselves with excitement and preparations for her Chuck E. Cheese party.

Woo hoo for "rat pizza" (as Carlton calls it)! An hour and a half of pure chaos was worth it since mom didn't have to do an ounce of cleaning or cooking! Sarah had an absoulte wonderful time and was blessed to be joined by so many friends and family. We even called Carlton on the phone and he listened to "happy birthday." Sarah has been enthralled in the world of Barbie and Disney Princess today, thanks to the many nice gifts she received. Yipee for independent play! I'm coming to appreciate that more every day. Happy 5th birthday sweet Sarah - we love you!

Sad Good-byes

Good-bye’s are never easy, especially around our house, and Thursday was no exception. We said good-bye to daddy/hubbie for 3 long months and it wasn’t easy. We started the day with breakfast at the Egg and I and then came back to the house so that Carlton could finish packing and last-minute preparations. There was a sense of calmness once we got back to the house – the girls pretended together wonderfully (which is a rare thing) while Carlton showed me some things on the computer. The rest of the morning unfolded much like a normal day – Sarah played school and Julia played doctor and then talked me into painting. Around lunch time though, with Carlton’s 1:30 p.m. departure, the inevitable sinking feeling hit me hard. Carlton and the girls ate lunch; I just wasn’t hungry. And then he sat on the floor and the girls just crawled all over him, alternating just plain silliness with hugs and kisses. I tried to take a mental picture of all that laughter and love.

Another sweet thing I saw today was Julia walking down the stairs and Carlton was heading upstairs and they stopped to kiss (she in her little pink dress with her blond hair down, and he in his camo and boots). I didn’t have my camera out, and wouldn’t have captured that quick moment even if the camera had been handy, but I’m pretty sure I’ll never forget that sweet sight.

Sarah has gradually come to understand that daddy’s leaving on a long trip, but we know that her concept of time is much different than reality. She’s talked about it very matter-of-factly and seemed most interested in what present daddy will bring when he returns (he always brings home a small gift when he goes on a trip). So, one of the most memorable parts of the day was just a few minutes before we knew Carlton was leaving, the cab company called to let him know his cab would arrive soon. Sarah started crying and asking why a cab was picking him up and why he wasn’t taking his truck. It quickly became apparent that that was the part of this scenario that wasn’t playing out as it had in her mind. She began crying pretty hard which made the final good-bye with Carlton extremely emotional. All three of us were crying, and saying good-bye and then there was little Miss Julia – she wouldn’t give Carlton a hug or kiss and gathered up all of her shopping items (she’d been pretending to go to Target earlier) to wish him farewell. She wasn’t mean about it, just a little prissy, and daddy finally got his kiss.

Sarah and I made a bee-line for the couch to snuggle and sniffle as soon as Carlton was out the door, and Julia came over to pat Sarah on the back and covered her with her most-treasured blankie. Ahhh, this is what melts a mama’s heart! Then, in her little Julia-nese she said, “daddy, work, bye-bye,” and continued some combination of those three words for a little while. It was as if she couldn’t understand why we were so upset because daddy was just going to work.

As Carlton said, that was the hard part for him and now he can start looking forward to coming home. I too will start anticipating his return, but there will be many challenging days for me in the months to come. I’m thankful to have two beautiful girls to help fill the days for me though and couldn’t be more proud of my husband. Sorry for the novel – just had to spill all of the emotions of the day into writing.

Here goes ...

So, I thought I’d just jump in head first to this whole blogging thing and make my first entry about one of the hardest days I’ve experience in a while. Don’t worry, they won’t all be this heavy, and I’ll include pictures soon, so stay tuned for more!